Learn the 5 powerful ways to stop baby hiccups

baby hiccups

What are baby hiccups?

Baby hiccups are one of the most annoying things you would wish you had a remote to switch them off at will. Therefore we will focus our attention on the 5 Ways to stop hiccups in babies. 

Hiccups are normal in a newborn baby, even hiccups in the womb are not an unusual thing and will explain any jolts you may feel occasionally from 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. Even though hiccups are not dangerous to an infant, they can still be upsetting and frustrating more for the parents than the baby. 

It makes the parent feel very uncomfortable when the baby would get hiccups and sometimes the distressed parent will be there with nothing that they could do, but simply sit and watch his/her little baby's body shake and it will be very disturbing for them. Sometimes you sit up for hours and watched him/her while they sleep with hiccups because you do not what to do or if he would choke or something.

The question is, are they dangerous? And the answer is no. Are they annoying? Yes. Are they frightening? Generally? No. Unless they lead to the baby spitting up or throwing up. And then it becomes somewhat annoying rather than anything that is dated in adults and children alike.
baby hiccups

Hiccups are caused by frequent involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle that sits below the lungs. What causes these contractions? Nobody's really sure, but there are a whole host of theories including eating too much, too fast, drinking carbonated beverages, swallowing air, being startled, feeling stressed, and even falling ill.

If your baby is bottle-fed, you should also check the nipple on your bottle. A baby may swallow too much air and hiccup if the hole in the nipple is the wrong size. When you turn the bottle upside down, you should get a drip, drip, drip of formula that gradually stops as a further precaution.

Some pediatricians suggest using bottles that have disposable plastic liners which allow you to squeeze the air out before feeding. They also collapse the baby drinks, helping to lessen the intake of air, which can cause painful gas. If you want to stop hiccups in newborns, they may be stopped but you have to be patient for two to three minutes. 

When the hiccups are not stopping, you need to follow some brilliant ways to get rid of baby hiccups. Hiccups in newborn babies occur due to change in temperature. If for some unusual reasons hiccups in newborn babies persist, you should contact your doctor regarding the issue. Also, don't try to stop baby hiccups by pulling his or her tongue closing their mouth.

Ways to stop baby hiccups.

Tip 1; The use of sugar.

Put some sugar on a pacifier or your finger. Let babies suck your finger for a few minutes and hiccups will surely go away. If the baby has started eating cereal, then you can put some small sugar balls in his/her mouth to stop hiccups fast.

Tip 2; Breastfeeding.

baby hiccups

Some people say that breastfeeding is the reason behind baby hiccups, but it's not true. Doctors say that you should feed your baby when you see your baby having hiccups while breastfeeding baby changes his/her breathing pattern, and this helps in reducing the hiccups. In a few minutes, though it will surely take some time, you must continue feeding them until they've disappeared.

Tip 3; Burp your baby.

This way helps your baby to get rid of any excess gas in their system. You will also notice one loud hiccup before everything is normal. Your baby might cough when the hiccup is ending. Practicing good burping techniques can also help infants who get hiccups frequently. The first and most common way to burp a baby is by holding him upright with his head on your shoulder while supporting his head and back with one hand, you gently Pat his back with the other.

A second technique is to sit the baby on your lap, supporting his chest and head with one hand while patting his back with the other. A third technique is to lay the baby on his stomach, on your lap while supporting his head so it's slightly higher than his chest. You gently Pat or rotate your hand on his back, regardless of which technique you're using. Always make sure to burp your infant after every meal, even if it takes a while to get the era. It may be time-consuming and a bit frustrating, but it will help prevent hiccups and lessen the chance of your baby spitting up.

Tip 4; Place your baby on the ground.

baby hiccups

When you see hiccups are increasing, you must place your baby on the bed, on his flash, her belly. Allow your baby to move around a little bit. Placing your baby in such a position will help to get rid of any air bubbles present in his or her stomach. You should rub his slash her back and plate with your babies so that movements made by your baby. It can help in stopping two cups quickly.

Tip 5; Cover your baby with a blanket.

Cover your child with a blanket and when the baby temperature increases the hiccups will then stop. Help your baby to stay warm for a while and hiccups will be decreased. Follow these ways to stop hiccups in newborn babies.

If the baby takes in less air during feeding, they will less likely have gas problems and hiccups.

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