
I am a stay at home mum who has been working part-time as an online content writer on women and children's health issues. I have since started this blog to story-tell my life as a mum and all the challenges, experiences and achievements I have come across my journey of motherhood.
Motherhood is indeed not a joke but its rewarding believe me. Starting from the pain of not conceiving and being told it would take a miracle to get you pregnant, to the discomfort of carrying a baby for 9 months, to the sleepless nights of mothering…It's overwhelming I know, but you are not alone now.
Throughout this journey, we will together tackle all these issues together and I must say I am not an expert or anything but a mother of two boys ( 4 years and 1 year) trying to find the best path for the growth of my boys at the same time enjoying parenting.
Let's get on with it.

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