What are the basic normal pregnancy pains?

basic normal pregnancy pains

What are the normal pregnancy pains in expecting mothers? There are so many different aches and pains associated with pregnancy and it's hard to know what's normal and what's not before you get checked out. To answer this top question we will talk about specific types of discomfort. 

It is normal for pregnant women to feel lower back pains as well as abdominal pains from their early pregnancy months. When you're pregnant, your belly starts to grow outward. And so your center of gravity shifts back and you start to waddle and carry things funny. 

All these activities you do including normal chores are things that put a strain on your back. In addition, your abs are short as your belly starts to grow, so your back is bearing the brunt of most of what you do that is why you may have lower back pains.

Another thing to consider is that lower back pain can be a symptom of contractions. If you're having lower abdominal cramping, lower backache, feeling abdominal tightening, pressure pain in your thighs, or you have leaking of fluid: vaginal bleeding or an increase in discharge associated with the pain, then think more along the lines of preterm labor. 

And that is when you should get checked out. If it just feels like it's due to the fact that you have sat too long or you have stood up too long or you just need to change positions, it's probably just because you are pregnant.

basic normal pregnancy pains

Another normal type of discomfort is round ligament pain. Your uterus isn't just hanging out in your belly. It's supported and anchored by ligaments. And one of the most prominent is called the round ligament. It attaches to the side of your uterus at about the level of your belly button and then runs down and attaches to the pubic bone. 

If you have pain in your groin area, like from the side of your belly down into the groin on one side or the other, especially if it came on with a sudden change in movement, it is probably round ligament pain. It usually comes on suddenly and is sharp.

For some people, it's dull and long-lasting, while sometimes it just feels like a little bit achy on one side and you may feel the desire or need to want to massage it a little bit. If you're experiencing this type of pain, it's probably also round ligament pain. Another type of pain that people commonly feel is pubic pain or just generalize pelvic pain.

In pregnancy, your body starts to release a hormone called relaxin, and the name makes sense because it acts on the joint of your pelvis and it relaxes it. It's actually released into the body to increase the internal diameter of your pelvis so that the baby can fit through and it's more likely to be born vaginally instead of you needing a C-section. Some women have an abnormally large separation of the pelvic joint and this is called symphysis pubis dysfunction.

What can one do to eliminate lower back pain, round ligament pain, and generalized pelvic pain?. Avoid standing for too long or sitting for too long. Position yourself properly at night when you're sleeping. Sleep on your side after 20 weeks of pregnancy and just get a rolled-up blanket or a pillow and prop yourself to the side by putting one behind your hip and then put one underneath your belly on the other size. The weight isn't just pulling because that can be uncomfortable too but it also helps to put a pillow between your knees.

You can also try using a heating pack on your lower back for 10 to 15 minutes. If the symptoms don't fit preterm labor (check out this detailed article about preterm labor) then try taking a warm bath before bedtime and call your doctor and talk to them about over the counter pain relievers that are safe to take during pregnancy.

My motto at the end of the day is when in doubt get checked out. If you're not sure what you're experiencing or you're worried about it being related to preterm labor, then don't hesitate to get to the doctor as soon as possible. 

Your doctor will decide a further investigation or which treatment is warranted for you. Feel free to comment below or for more personal ones direct to my email.

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