Breastfeeding vs formula
For some reason, this is a controversial topic. People are up in arms about either side and they're very opinionated about the way strangers choose to be their baby's mind. We are all mums and we should all support each other, especially when we don't know the background of a certain mum. This is a judgment-free zone and I just want to kind of lay out the facts as well as my opinions about both sides of the topic.
Health benefits to breastfeeding vs formula feeding.
Let's talk about the health benefits of breastfeeding vs formula feeding. Of course, breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your baby. Babies are going to get all kinds of nutrients as well as other benefits that help with fighting off diseases, infections and things like that, that don't only last at the beginning of the baby's life while they're being breastfed but actually have lifelong benefits.
Most if not all doctors and medical professionals are going to suggest that mothers breastfeed. There is another side of this as well because luckily science has created something that comes semi-close to breast milk and that is the formula feeding. Formula feeding is also very nutritious for babies. It will allow them to grow and thrive and it will feed them and make them sustained until they are able to eat solid foods and drink cow's milk, which happens at 12 months.
Though and most definitely breast milk is healthier and does offer a lot more benefits to formula milk, formula, however, is also a really solid choice. For women who can't breastfeed, choose not to, or that's just kind of not in the cards for breastfeeding. Formula feeding is a perfectly acceptable way to feed your baby.
The other major factor that a lot of people consider this debate is the cost associated with breastfeeding vs formula feeding. And that is a huge argument for people. You might go off and say that of course breast milk is free, but is it really? no, it's not because it actually takes about 400 to 500 calories a day of what the mom eats to create breast milk.
So that actually means that mum has to eat extra and that costs a little bit of money. Now if you don't pump it all and you only breastfeed using your breasts directly, then that will definitely cut costs down except you're going to have to buy nursing friendly bras and tops. So that might be a little bit of a cost, but you can always buy those secondhand. But then another associated cost with breastfeeding would be buying a breast pump and storage for breast milk.
A lot of health insurance companies will provide a breast pump for you, free of charge for that just depends on your own insurance situation. Based on all these costs I will, therefore, say that formula feeding it's a lot more expensive and that is definitely a point that formula loses out on in this game. You could also get all the stuff you need from Walmart or Amazon.
The next point of contention in this argument would be the convenience factor. Now I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about my history with breastfeeding vs formula feeding. I have two kids. My first child (Timothy) is about to turn five in a couple of months and my second child is 13 months old (Simeon).
I exclusively breastfed my older son until six months and I switched nursing him to formula feeding along with feeding him other foods from six months all the way till 14 months. So he definitely had a prolonged breastfeeding experience than my second boy and a key component of that was because he was my only child so I could really just devote all of my energy towards him and all my attention towards him.
So it was a really great process and I loved the bag ad experience as he also never refused to take a bottle when switched. Now, my second child, I breastfed him briefly. I would say till two or three months. And then I started noticing even my supply, maybe because of stress or not eating enough, I'm not sure, but I did start to supplement some formula into his diet.
And honestly, that just kind of turned into like a downward spiral and my supply completely deteriorated and I had to switch to an all formula diet. He is 13 months old now, as I said previously. My plan was to formula feed him for just a year and then I can give him cows milk along with solid foods of course, but that seems not to be likely. I plan to formula feed him before switching to cows milk until at least he is a year and a half old.
I definitely have completely different experiences between the two kids. Both kids are thriving, achieving milestones on target or sooner and very healthy. Since the current factor, we dealing with in this argument is a convenience I've been on both sides of this so I can definitely attest to both. Breastfeeding is very convenient when you're in your own home. All you do is, you know, pull your shirt down or whatever and shoot.
While'st formula feeding does require some preparation along with bringing the formula powder, boiled water, bottles and that and that with you when you leave the house, you get the idea. So I would say that there is an extra step there. But if you're a pumping mom then I would say that the convenience factor might actually weigh more towards a formula. I would say that it's easier to scoop something into a bottle and add water and feed than it is to sit down and pump.
I would actually say that breast milk and formula would be the same amount of convenience or lack thereof when you leave the house because you have to bring something with you no matter what your situation is. So, so either you need to bring a cover. If you are modest and you want to see outfeed in public or you need to bring a bag of frozen or refrigerated Fresno can bottle or you need to bring formula. So I would say that like convenience is kind of a wash between the two.
Now the next thing I would say is actually a pretty important thing to consider in all that is bonding. And I had different experiences with both my kids. I was very, very, very close to my first baby. There is really nothing like the bonding while you're nursing.
I think it is really magical. It's really great and every person who has the ability to experience it should try it in my opinion just because I think you're missing out and like fun and like an amazing bonding experience.
But with that said, I don't feel like I'm really losing out on too much of any sort of bonding with my second baby while I'm formula feeding him. We still look deep in each other's eyes and pedal and it's still really sweet and stuff. But there is the benefit that other loved ones are able to have the experience of bonding with the baby while feeding.
For example, both of the grandparents and my husband too are able to feed our baby and have that bonding experience too. So I think it's kinda nice that they both have pros just kind of in different ways as far as bonding goes.
The next thing to consider is the health benefits of mum. So breastfeeding has many health benefits for mum, including helping mums lose weight and actually decreased the risk of having breast cancer down the road. So definitely physical health benefits are there when you consider breastfeeding.
But I would say that especially mums who suffered from postpartum depression or any sort of anxiety from being a mum that formula feeding can actually help with psychological benefits because maybe you feel, overwhelmed or depressed, then you have the ability to hand the baby off and have someone else feed the baby.
When you formula feed, I'm going to reiterate here that I am definitely not a health professional, not a health expert. I'm not in any way giving advice. This is just like really all my opinion and the truth is that I have found along my own journey with my two babies.
Basically, the bottom line is these two ways of feeding your baby formula and breast milk are both healthy. They are both ways that are supported by pediatricians and health professionals are all over the world, and they're both very, very healthy. So I, as long as you are feeding your baby and allowing your baby to grow and thrive, there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding and there's nothing wrong with formula feeding.
I think that both are great options and that's really the truth of it. Basically. I don't think that is anyone else's business, but your own. Maybe your partner or other parents should have some input with the choice you make, but beyond that really, it's no one else's business.
Breastfeeding is amazing so formula feeding is also great and I think that both are totally legitimate ways of getting your baby fed. Just grow and thrive to just love your baby and that's all that really matters. I hope that some of you found this helpful.
My goal with this was to reduce some anxiety and questions with people who might want to hear both sides of the argument here. So I hope that it helped you in your choice of how you choose to feed your baby.
I do family planning, pre and post pregnancy and parenting stuff, so please subscribe to this blog, also check our YouTube Channel and do follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Definitely let me know in the comments down below what your experience has been with feeding your baby. Did you formula feed, breastfeed? A combination of the two? I would love to hear from you and your baby's story.
Though and most definitely breast milk is healthier and does offer a lot more benefits to formula milk, formula, however, is also a really solid choice. For women who can't breastfeed, choose not to, or that's just kind of not in the cards for breastfeeding. Formula feeding is a perfectly acceptable way to feed your baby.
Cost of breastfeeding vs formula feeding.
The other major factor that a lot of people consider this debate is the cost associated with breastfeeding vs formula feeding. And that is a huge argument for people. You might go off and say that of course breast milk is free, but is it really? no, it's not because it actually takes about 400 to 500 calories a day of what the mom eats to create breast milk.
So that actually means that mum has to eat extra and that costs a little bit of money. Now if you don't pump it all and you only breastfeed using your breasts directly, then that will definitely cut costs down except you're going to have to buy nursing friendly bras and tops. So that might be a little bit of a cost, but you can always buy those secondhand. But then another associated cost with breastfeeding would be buying a breast pump and storage for breast milk.
A lot of health insurance companies will provide a breast pump for you, free of charge for that just depends on your own insurance situation. Based on all these costs I will, therefore, say that formula feeding it's a lot more expensive and that is definitely a point that formula loses out on in this game. You could also get all the stuff you need from Walmart or Amazon.
The convenience of breastfeeding vs formula feeding.
The next point of contention in this argument would be the convenience factor. Now I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about my history with breastfeeding vs formula feeding. I have two kids. My first child (Timothy) is about to turn five in a couple of months and my second child is 13 months old (Simeon).
I exclusively breastfed my older son until six months and I switched nursing him to formula feeding along with feeding him other foods from six months all the way till 14 months. So he definitely had a prolonged breastfeeding experience than my second boy and a key component of that was because he was my only child so I could really just devote all of my energy towards him and all my attention towards him.
So it was a really great process and I loved the bag ad experience as he also never refused to take a bottle when switched. Now, my second child, I breastfed him briefly. I would say till two or three months. And then I started noticing even my supply, maybe because of stress or not eating enough, I'm not sure, but I did start to supplement some formula into his diet.
And honestly, that just kind of turned into like a downward spiral and my supply completely deteriorated and I had to switch to an all formula diet. He is 13 months old now, as I said previously. My plan was to formula feed him for just a year and then I can give him cows milk along with solid foods of course, but that seems not to be likely. I plan to formula feed him before switching to cows milk until at least he is a year and a half old.
I definitely have completely different experiences between the two kids. Both kids are thriving, achieving milestones on target or sooner and very healthy. Since the current factor, we dealing with in this argument is a convenience I've been on both sides of this so I can definitely attest to both. Breastfeeding is very convenient when you're in your own home. All you do is, you know, pull your shirt down or whatever and shoot.
While'st formula feeding does require some preparation along with bringing the formula powder, boiled water, bottles and that and that with you when you leave the house, you get the idea. So I would say that there is an extra step there. But if you're a pumping mom then I would say that the convenience factor might actually weigh more towards a formula. I would say that it's easier to scoop something into a bottle and add water and feed than it is to sit down and pump.
I would actually say that breast milk and formula would be the same amount of convenience or lack thereof when you leave the house because you have to bring something with you no matter what your situation is. So, so either you need to bring a cover. If you are modest and you want to see outfeed in public or you need to bring a bag of frozen or refrigerated Fresno can bottle or you need to bring formula. So I would say that like convenience is kind of a wash between the two.
Breastfeeding vs formula feeding in terms of bonding.
I think it is really magical. It's really great and every person who has the ability to experience it should try it in my opinion just because I think you're missing out and like fun and like an amazing bonding experience.
But with that said, I don't feel like I'm really losing out on too much of any sort of bonding with my second baby while I'm formula feeding him. We still look deep in each other's eyes and pedal and it's still really sweet and stuff. But there is the benefit that other loved ones are able to have the experience of bonding with the baby while feeding.
For example, both of the grandparents and my husband too are able to feed our baby and have that bonding experience too. So I think it's kinda nice that they both have pros just kind of in different ways as far as bonding goes.
Mum's health benefits of breastfeeding vs formula feeding.
The next thing to consider is the health benefits of mum. So breastfeeding has many health benefits for mum, including helping mums lose weight and actually decreased the risk of having breast cancer down the road. So definitely physical health benefits are there when you consider breastfeeding.
But I would say that especially mums who suffered from postpartum depression or any sort of anxiety from being a mum that formula feeding can actually help with psychological benefits because maybe you feel, overwhelmed or depressed, then you have the ability to hand the baby off and have someone else feed the baby.
When you formula feed, I'm going to reiterate here that I am definitely not a health professional, not a health expert. I'm not in any way giving advice. This is just like really all my opinion and the truth is that I have found along my own journey with my two babies.
Basically, the bottom line is these two ways of feeding your baby formula and breast milk are both healthy. They are both ways that are supported by pediatricians and health professionals are all over the world, and they're both very, very healthy. So I, as long as you are feeding your baby and allowing your baby to grow and thrive, there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding and there's nothing wrong with formula feeding.
I think that both are great options and that's really the truth of it. Basically. I don't think that is anyone else's business, but your own. Maybe your partner or other parents should have some input with the choice you make, but beyond that really, it's no one else's business.
Breastfeeding is amazing so formula feeding is also great and I think that both are totally legitimate ways of getting your baby fed. Just grow and thrive to just love your baby and that's all that really matters. I hope that some of you found this helpful.

I do family planning, pre and post pregnancy and parenting stuff, so please subscribe to this blog, also check our YouTube Channel and do follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Definitely let me know in the comments down below what your experience has been with feeding your baby. Did you formula feed, breastfeed? A combination of the two? I would love to hear from you and your baby's story.
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